Card of the Day August 13th 2020

Hello Beautiful Souls! Here is your #cardoftheday
❤ AUGUST 13TH 2020 ❤
“We are your ancestors, and we love you. We walked the earth many years before you. We ask you at this poignant time to learn and grow from our past experiences. You are our legacy, and we will keep on helping you as we continue to evolve here int he spirit world.”
We bring you this card to remind you that you’re not alone as you walk the earth and live in your physical world. You that you’re not receiving help or assistance from those around you, but draw strength from our help here from the Spirit World. We’re constantly evolution and growing as well, and encourage you to learn from our may feel past mistakes…. so you don’t have to make the same ones in your lifetime.
You’ve inherited many of your gifts, talents, and abilities from us, as well as some of our faults, habits, behaviors, and even our addictions. Take as many of the positive aspects as positive, and move forward as you listen to your soul. Over time, the negative aspects can be eliminated once you acknowledge that you have free will and can make your own choice in this lifetime. Honor us as we so honor you. Move forward with our love and blessing.
#spiritmessages #johnholland #ancestralwisdom #guidance #love #blessings #gowiththeflow #yournotalone #listen #encourage #us #spiritwhispersfreepsychicreadingsandmetaphysicaldiscussion #jenncrockettpsychicmedium

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