Card of the Day August 12th 2020

Hello Beautiful Souls! Here is your #cardoftheday
❤ AUGUST 12TH 2020 ❤
<<<< ANT SPIRIT >>>>
~ Time to collaborate ~
When Ant Spirit comes to visit, it’s to celebrate the benefits of working in a partnership with others as part of a community or tribe. Spirit reminds you that to build your dream, you need to work with others, accept help, and trust in your most important partnership— the one you have with Spirit.
Your intentions will come to fruition if you remain awake and focused on co-creating your reality with others and with Spirit. Remember that the world around you can easily seduce you if you don’t have some sort of practice or discipline like meditation to keep you on track as you build the life you desire.
Connecting with others and having accountability partners can be very helpful, as it’s unlikely that everyone will fall asleep at the same time. The other message Ant Spirit holds is that you are now at an auspicious time to ask for help and receive it, whether you need help assembling a team, finding a new tribe, or requesting assistance from others who are there for you.
❤ Everything is working to support you right now!
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