Spirit Message of the Day for February 10th 2021

~ We Love Your Courage! Embrace it!
Dear You,

There are times in life when taking a risk is better left for another day. Other times are prefect for taking that leap, no matter how dangerous it might seem. Well, hold on to your parachute strings – for today is leap time! Realize that no matter what, we will not let you fall, drown, get lost, or hurt yoruself in any way on this one. Even if it may feel like you are in free fall, we are here for you and you can stop freaking out about getting hurt and relax into this transition to something new. All the elements are in place, and your soul is ready for a new experience. No matter what you’re asking about, it’s time to take the risk and do that thing that scares you. No matter what happens, you will land softly, right on target. Don’t worry about the outcome – Spirit’s got that covered. It’s taking the leap itself that’s the point. WE LOVE YOUR COURAGE! EMBRACE IT!

#postcardsfromspirit #colettebaronreid #messagefromspirit #signs #love #courage #embraceit #support #giveitup #taketherisk #trust #spiritwhispersfreepsychicreadingsandmetaphysicaldiscussion #jenncrockettpsychicmedium #jenncrockett #jenncrockett.com

Card of the Day for February 10th 2021


~ Trust in divine detours ~
Do you find that you are being led on a strange detour in your life right now? Does it seem that what appears to be the next right action and the right choice, best situation, or fabulous relationship unexpectedly turns into the opposite—or just disappears into thin air, as if you’ve been tricked? Coyote Spirit’s trickster energy is designed to bring you into situations to teach you lessons you have forgotten to learn. Perhaps you need a taste of failure before you experience success, a need to feel disappointment before you can truly appreciate the joy, love, and prosperity that is coming up for you. Perhaps you are revisiting a pattern you forgot wasn’t in alignment with the life you are intending to co-create, being reminded that gratitude, not complacency, will keep you awake and aware of all that is available to you in this moment. Coyote Spirit reminds you to laugh about the unexpected twists, to develop humility and gratitude while releasing your attachments to the form of your desires. Even when you suddenly find yourself on a detour, wondering when you will get back on track to manifesting what you desire, remember that Spirit has a plan and wants the best for you. Trust in divine order now. Coyote Spirit is a divine helper; no matter what seems to go astray, things are exactly as they are supposed to be.

#spiritanimaloracle #colettebaronreid #coyotespirit #divinehelper #astheyare #divinetiming #detour #highestgood #alignment #trust #spiritwhispersfreepsychicreadingsandmetaphysicaldiscussion #jenncrockettpsychicmedium #jenncrockett #jenncrockett.com

Spirit message for the day for January 30th 2021

~ Love is the answer ~Dearest you,We here on the other side have one important thing to declare: Love is the answer to literally everything. We don’t necessarily mean romantic or erotic love, although they are wonderful, but something above and beyond that.Everything alive in the world was first created by love. Spirit sends love to animate life and birth it into existence. Love is without conditions, and it is based in reverence and a fierce and joyful respect for life. Love thrives when you focus on it, and we want you to turn away from anything that causes it to wane. Love is when you no longer see yoruself as “other”, separate from, better or less than, etc. When you act as love, you give permission to the world to thrive and grow as it will.Can you let go of what is not love and ask, “What would love do?” Love is waiting for you always and forever…. We just adore you over here……

#postcardsfromspirit#colettebaronreid#weadoreyouoverhere#go#love#honor#openmind#openheart#open#bemindful#trust#spiritwhispersfreepsychicreadingsandmetaphysicaldiscussion#jenncrockettpsychicmedium#jenncrockett #jenncrockett.com

Collective Love Energy Daily Update for January 30th 2021

❤ COLLECTIVE DAILY LOVE ENERGY DAILY UPDATE ❤<<<< JANUARY 30TH 2021 >>>>This is a daily collective update for anyone on that twin flame, soulmate, karmatic or any divine love connection. Check in to see what you can do or how you can prepare for the energy being brought to you on a daily basis. Please remember collective readings hit you as they resonate, pay attention to your reaction as you read and act in accordance.Today’s energy is about feeling why you are being pulled to another and standing in the faith of the divine, understanding that what you ask for indeed comes true (it’s about the power of manifestation/visualization), standing in your own truth for yourself and allowing a deep connection with others through vulnerability. The theme for today, following through with breaking any fear or doubt you may have in your visions and feelings regarding your connection with another, knowing that the divine energy works to bring others together at the right times to enhance the life experience and to grow not to bring in stress, anger or any lower vibration, using faith by standing in your own truth as you find balance, alignment and transform for your highest good. Being vulnerable after many hurt words, actions and disappointments is one of the hardest things to accomplish in this lifetime. Taking time for yourself, honoring your feelings and releasing is important when establishing a healthy connection not just in relationships but also to the divine energy alone. Many may feel right now the need to withdraw, to escape and barely finding the energy to walk one foot in front of the other day to day. Rest, rejuvenation and most of all learning as you embrace your own truth, clairty and realization is the importance of this time. Walking along your own soul path you realize that not only are you healing yourself but you are aligning with others in all aspects of life, this is when magic will happen – trust the divine, surrender to the above and watch how firmly rooted you will feel in the earth and how amazing you will connect with others; including that ultimate love connection that your soul desires. Find time to meditate or for silence, give up the lower vibrations, embrace your truth, visualize – pray and manifest as you watch your dreams come true! #trustyourhigherteam#havefaith#bevulnerable#makeroomfornew#allowyourmatein#withoutfearDarling, this life has taught me that I need to take a step in the right direction by healing myself and understanding that it is okay to be alone in my thoughts as this is where we gain not only clarity but our biggest strength. If it feels that we are disconnected or that I have pushed you away at this time, the biggest thing I want you to know is that I am not going anywhere. I will be by your side until we have no other means to find each other but until then find the peace and silence in your mind as we connect not just in physical but on all aspects in life emotional, spiritual and most of all mental. Trust in the connection, timing and the almighty that any obstacles that we may have between us will go away as we can then only truly feel the passion and desire that we have for each other. Letting down the walls and opening the heart as we trust to have each other in this life and others no matter what is something that takes time, patience and most of all a silent journey within. Due to you I have found this strength and know where to start, the first part of the healing process is awareness and acknowledgment of the journey so here I tip my hat to you and bow down in gratitude for the love that you carry. Now it is time to allow my walls down and my strength to shine in order to be able to have you proudly stand by my side, it is time to prepare – as when the soul is ready it’s mate will appear!❤ $20.00 for 13 card spread, $40.00 CARDS AND YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED COLLECTIVE FROM YOUR DIVINE COUNTERPART~ Book your relationship, twin flame, soulmate, past life or karmatic connection reading by messaging, booking now or checking out my website at Jenncrockett.com#twinflame#soulmate#karmatic#connection#cleanse#clear#rid#energy#distraction#miles#limitations#maketheway#goforward#soulfullyyours#lookdeeper#elevate#uplift#aswithin#sowithout#spiritwhispersfreepsychicreadingsandmetaphysicaldiscussion#jenncrockettpsychicmedium #jennrockett.com

Painful Moments

Although it may feel that times life knocks the breath out of you and every time you try to take a step forward you feel that you are taking several steps back. Life is about the painful moments just as much as the beautiful and joyous side the journey. These moments cause change whether we like it or not. The change can come with a feeling of devastation and loss or it can allow your perspective to open and for the beauty of the lesson to flow through you as you find your strength and passion. Allow the chaos of the world to flow within you as you understand that everything is ever changing and your soul is constantly transitioning – we are here to learn, embrace and most of all spread that knowledge or love to others. Make sure you feel, release and move forward with not just grace but also a helping hand. Do not be afraid to tell your story, stand tall and on firm footing as you adjust your crown and realize where your power comes from; not just within but from above, beside and below! Life is about the journey, feel, embrace and succeed! ❤

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